วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Swing Tips - Free

Are you looking for the best swing tips like those of world golf pros like Ben Hogan, Tiger Woods and the rest? Get the best golf swing tips free without any simple or complex subscription. Do not look down upon these simple yet very vital golf tips. Now that all golf pros will tell you why golf swing is very important in golf, why should you neglect them and instead underscore? When having problems with your swings, you can rely on these best proven golf tips.
First, ensure that you have a proper body posture meant to give you balance. To make a best golfer, it is very necessary to achieve appropriate balance for a good round golf. Keep your knees bent to enable your weight to rest in the middle of your feet. This will help you maintain balance when making golf club swings. To aide balance when making a swing, your golf club should not go for about 100% when making a swing. A 70% swing will help you keep balance meant to give you enough distance for making a good swing.

If you have new drivers with 420 0r 460 prints at the bottom, the golf swing tips free for you will require you to tee the golf ball higher to ensure that you only get it on the up swing. When there is a short putt that needs to be made, keep the putter in line with the hole for best result. Hammering a tack into your golf ball will help you make a good golf pitch. In case of winter players, putting needs to be firm if a golfer has to see his or her golf ball enter the hole. This is because of the dew on the grass during the cold seasons.
The best highly recommended tip among the golf swing tips free is ensuring that the golf club grips are always kept clean for a better swing. Golf swings will require you to have a better feel of the club, so this means that your golf grips should always be kept clean since it is the only point of contact between a golfer and his or her club. Don't make your swing too hard for this will make the golf ball enter uneven location and may as well make a golfer loose his or her balance.
Remember! Your right elbow must always be in the correct position during your backswings. Having your hand placed at the waiters hand position, this will make the golf club swing on the right swing plane while maintaining the best club face angle. This is one of the best golf swing tips free that you can practice hard on to give you the best golf performances.
Slicing the golf ball once is embarrassing. Slicing the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. One of the fastest ways to improve your golf game is to ask a golf swing coach for golf swing instruction.
Do you have these 3 problems with your golf swing: 1) inconsistency; 2) slice; 3) distance?
Find out how to improve your swing and cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes and Lengthen your Drive in just 2 Weeks with my FREE Special Report.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3287367

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Classic Golf Swing Tips 101

In order to play well on the golf course, a golfer will need to establish a classic golf swing overtime.Your swing movement has to be as natural as possible, and many amateurs golfers like to merely follow what has been told in golf magazine, simply just manipulate the golf club into certain positions during their down swing. Indeed, these might not help but harm your swing development.
In this article we will discuss a few very important things you need to know about the golf swing and hopefully make you a better golfer. Every golfer wants a better classic swing, and often seeks out golf swing help. This help can come from a number of places. Many golfers do not take lessons, and trust their own judgment. They end up making the same mistakes over and over. Most sports require a coach, however golf is the one sport that most people basically learn on there own. They grab a set of clubs and take up the game. The majority end up with serious swing issues, and the ball flights often have a bad hook or fade to them. Golf help is easily found today. There are numerous golf magazines out there, and also plenty of websites that you can do your research on. Swing software is also readily available where golfers can actually utilize computers to analyze their swing. Nevertheless, getting right at the first time is essential.

Having this in mind, there are 3 basic steps you ought to stick to:
Step 1: Golf Grip
In order to achieve a consistent classic golf swing, it is very important that you use a proper golf grip. You do not want to be white knuckled with your grip, yet you also do not want the club moving around in your hands. Maintaining a firm consistent golf grip will help you become a better golfer.
Step 2: Positioning
Most golf swing guides, or instructional pieces will show you the importance of positioning. This applies to all aspects of your swing, as well your putting stroke. Ball positioning is just as important as your body positioning. Your ball position will affect where your ball will land, and what sort of flight path it will take. For example: Having the ball back in your stance when chipping will allow for you to create some spin on the ball. Body positioning is a little more complicated. In order to achieve a better swing momentum it is essential that your body positioning is aligned with the target and also to the location of your ball.
Step 3. Tempo
Last but not least, the tempo of your swing is also very important. Whether you are driving the ball, using a middle iron or chipping your tempo must remain consistent. An easy golf swing is sometimes much more accurate than a mighty swing. Next time your at the driving range, take a couple of practice swings and then approach the ball and take a nice easy swing movement. Next take a great big mighty swing as hard as you can. Overtime, you will see a huge difference in ball flight as well distance. Most of the time on the huge swing you will have some serious hooking or fading happening. You may even miss hit the ball entirely. Taking a gentler swing your results will be much more accurate.
In short, a classic golf swing needs to be natural from start to finish. It works like an arc, a good take away, solid follow through from start to end. The truth is majority of golf instructors will tell you that there is no simple nor classic swing. If you take a few moments over a weekend and watch the pros, or just watch golfers on a local driving range you will notice there are numerous variations. The easy swing really isn't that easy or simple. Developing a classic golf swing takes time, but to be ascertain, you will find it rewarding once you start getting the habit of practicing and discover the joy of golf.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5415586

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Swing Tip - Keep Your Knees Flexed Throughout the Swing

I have found a common problem with my golfers, lately in my clinics. Seasoned or young, they all are doing the same thing. Not keeping their knees flexed and/or standing flat-footed during their swing. Weight transfer is the major key to power and distance, but improperly transferring this weight will cause a variety of poor shots. In the following article I'll explain this problem and how to properly stay in a correct posture to make sure proper weight transfer.
In earlier articles, I have discussed a proper posture and its role in a golf swing. Part of a good posture is a proper knee bend. A proper knee bend is when looking down at you golf shoes at address you should only be able to see the bottom half of your laces, bending your knees enough to hide the top half of your shoe laces. This is the proper flex in a good posture that needs to stay consistent through-out your swing.

A stiff (straight) knee or knees, interferes with, and can prevent a proper weight shift, because it restricts the lower body's movement. An improper weight shift causes both a loss of power and a loss of control of the club head.
A stiffened right knee during the back swing will cause the head to "bob-up" and will raise the swing arc, which may cause a fat shot, or at times, a thin (topped) shot.
A stiffened left knee during the down swing causes "blocking", which prevents weight transfer from right to left and stops the power of your swing from being transmitted to the ball.
It is essential to keep your knees flexed through-out your swing. The right knee must stay flexed for a proper pivot and the left must stay flexed to allow you to "hit through the ball".
The other common problem is staying flat-footed, especially the back foot. The back foot must rotate with the turn to allow the right knee to stay flexed. A proper rotation is when the back foot turns (rotates), placing your back foot on the toe of the shoe, with the laces facing the target.
Having the back foot flat will restrict your hip turn and leave you in an open stance, causing a push/slice shot result. A half-foot rotation, where your laces are facing towards the address ball placement, might allow your shoulders to get out in front of your hips causing a pull/hook shot result.
Again, keeping the knees flexed is essential, but having the proper foot movement to allow for this is essential as well.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7949770

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Kids Golf Training Tips

Teaching your child the game of golf can be very challenging, however, with a few kids golf training tips the task can be very enjoyable. The tips I will be sharing with you here are meant for boys and girls ages five to twelve who are new to the game. It is important to remember why you are helping your child learn to play golf. The game is fun. It is something they can enjoy for the rest of their lives. If your child is not having fun hitting balls on the range, then they will lose interest and be turned off from the game. Make this quality time for you and your child and you both will reap the benefits.
When learning the game, the most important thing is that your child is having fun. If you were being taught something that you didn't enjoy how enthusiastic would you be? This isn't school, its a game. Take them to the driving range and let them swing away. It's OK to show them how to grip the club (the ten finger grip is usually the best one for little kids) and how to set up to the ball. If they resist these instructions then just forget about it and let them hit the ball however they want. Never correct them at this point. Your child is not there to learn something, they are there to have fun and spend time with you.

When you are at the range get a bucket of balls for yourself and one for your child. Take the spot behind them so you can keep an eye on them to make sure they are staying in a safe spot. Let them hit balls without trying to correct the obvious swing mistakes that you see. Believe it or not, little kids know when they hit a good one. They do not have all the swing thoughts going through their head like us adults do. Little kids actually have a better chance of repeating a good swing than most grownups.
Children love to be praised by their parents. When you see your little one make a good swing make sure you tell them how awesome the shot was. This will make them eager to do it again and earn more praise from you. Although your child will not realize it, they are actually learning something about the golf swing. If your little boy or girl is struggling to make contact, resist the urge to try to help them. If they ask you for help feel free to offer some basic instruction, but remember to keep it simple and fun.
Introducing your child to the great game of golf can be fun and rewarding for both the child and the parent. The most important thing to remember is golf for kids should be fun. The first few trips to the range or golf course will shape how they think of the game for many years to come. There really is no better way to spend time with your child than by playing the great game of golf.
Please visit my site http://www.golf4kids.siterubix.com for more information about how to teach your child the great game of golf.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7918420

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Perfect Left Handed Golf Swing - Understand the Problems and the Solutions

Golf game has always been favoured for the right handed people. Having said that, this does not mean that left handed person cannot enjoy the golf game as them. With the new technologies and techniques available today, lefty people are able to conduct the perfect left handed golf swing as well. The technique to adopt is the same but the only different is the angle of swing in the game. However, it is not impossible to get the perfect golf swing.
When performing the backswing, the common problem that lefty usually encounter is swaying instead of giving a full turning. The reasons for this to happen is because left handed golfers often swing the golf club with their shoulders and their hips at the same time. To overcome this problem, make sure you turn your shoulder in full and at the same time to restrict your hip movement. This way you can prevent from swaying and provide a full swing successfully. This can be very difficult to perform in the beginning. However, with full concentration and practice, you will be able to achieve this movement easily. Practice not to use a lot of hip movement during the swing. Focus and concentrate every single time you perform a swing and you will achieve this over time.

Another problem for left handed golfers is that as they reached at the top of the backswing, they tend to go off the golf swing line before they start the downswing. This phenomena is known as the leading problem for most left handed golfers. So, in order to avoid this problem, try to lay the club off aside a little bit when you have reached the top of the backswing. By doing so, you can get back in line to your swing position as when you go for the downswing. Yet again this will take a little bit of practice and it will get better in time. The key to achieve this is to focus every time you hit the ball. Always examine how you condition your body posture during the backswing.
The last common problem for most left handed people is that they always end up the ball with over the top problem. This is when you need to consider a proper golf grip when holding the golf club. The way you hold the club will be exactly the same way as the right handed golfers. The best golf grip you should consider to adopt is the overlapping grip whereby your leading hand which is the left hand will be connected to your right hand with your index finger. Hold the club firmly but not too tight as this will only tense up your muscles. Out of 10, the tightness of your grip should be at 7. Do not exceed more than that as this will lead you to the over the top and slicing problem.
Overcoming all these problems will lead you to a perfect left handed golf swing. The principle of left handed and right handed golf swing will not be of much difference if you adopt the right golf swing technique.
If you are serious in improving your golf swing, please pay attention to this:
Even though you're a leftie, if you take time to practice and apply the proven golf swing instruction can dramatically improve your golf game.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4183206

วันอังคารที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Features Of Best Golf Swing Analyzing Software

The video gaming industry is quickly moving on the same track as most computer-related products. The best golf swing analyzing software should be one which utilizes the features of both so as to help golfers on analyzing their golf swing.
Henceforth if you are searching for the best golf swing analyzing software, you should not think twice before grabbing hold of one. They have been created with consideration for golfers as in different aspects of swinging a golf club iron. As a matter of fact you will discover there is a contemporary creation of golf video games
From the abundance in the swing analysis software, you need to choose the one which will show in depth break down of your respective swing. The software will reveal the vital points of your swing.

All details in the swing is analyzed as well as your way of swinging from the 3 major angles so that you are able to correct the mistakes that you have been making all this while. The software possesses its own library of swings for you to even upload your recording.
It is not compulsory to copy the exact golf swings from the professionals from golf swing analyzing software as what works for them might not work for you.
However, you can utilize the golf video games. Studies have shown that some newbies are more comfortable with this rather than trying to copy from what they see on TV. If this is you, go for it and learn at the level you are comfortable with.
However should you tend to compare your golf swing technique with that of professionals, there is absolutely no harm. The golf video gaming are very user interactive and can help you in making the right comparisons
The golf video gaming that use the most up-to-date technology show you the different features of your swing. It exhibits all details with nothing left unturned. The particular recorded swing will likely be displayed from various positions and angles.
You will probably be able to judge the performance in the better way. Therefore do make an effort to include a golf computer game along while utilizing swing analyzing software that you will likely be using to boost your game.
In the computer game, you can halt the swing of your golf idol and examine it from all of the sides. The details are well-organized in such that you are able to feel near to a real time situation. Thus we could say that golf games are mainly based on best swing movement and techniques within the analyzing software.
Patrick Robson was a former golf professional. He now runs his own consultancy that provides tips, strategies as well as recommending products and coaching related to golf.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7843501

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Unleash Your Power Within Your Golf Swing

All golfers aspire to strike the ball harder, longer and straighter. So long as they have the drive and determination, they can. Having said that, here is how you can unleash your power within your golf swing.
1. Begin On Plane
Here is what I discover in most golf lessons.
Golfers have the tenancy to execute their power potential within the first few feet of their swings. They bend their right arms extensively and pull their clubs from their backs before executing their backswings.
This produces a chain reaction that robs their swings of club head speed and resulted in feeble and arms-only swing which fails to co-ordinate with their bodies.
So it is important to begin your swing on plane with additional width with your arms so that you can drive the ball further. Here is a drill to ingrain this fundamental

Make a backswing where you can have a friend stick a shaft using a headcover on top inside the ground so that both your hands are able to reach the head cover with your left arm fully extended.
The shaft needs to be inline with all the shoelaces tied together on your shoe. Execute slow practice backswings. At the same, stroke the headcover with your knuckles as you head back.
If you pull the club inside too much, you may end up striking the shaft along with your club.
I utilize this drill a lot during golf lessons with my coach. I am supposed to extend my arms fully during takeaway.
You may also attempt touching an imaginary person standing behind you using your clubhead as you make a return.
2. Make An Effective Turn For The Best Golf Swing
If you have been taking golf lessons, you should remember being instructed to keep behind the ball whenever you swing.
To me, that is the best ever advice from my coach. You must turn behind the ball and turn your body correctly in order to produce full power.
Unfortunately, golfers mix up the basics. Especially when it comes to keeping their minds steady.
This mistake results in lower body slide that in turn causes your upper body to become over active and sapping much power from your swing. Here is one drill using a visual cue to aid you incorporate the feeling of remaining behind the ball.
Find an area on the range in which the sun creates a shadow straight before you. Angle two reference clubs in such that they outline the shadow of your legs at spot.

The grips must be pointing at the ball with a tee inside the ground. Upon turning your body to the top, maintain your lower body shadow inside the clubs. Allow your head to move gently.
Try not to do this too often during golf lessons. However it is still tested and proven so there is no harm in trying once or twice in a while. It also enables you to stay behind the ball whenever you swing.
3. Plant Your Heel For The Best Golf Swing
Golfers rarely consider footwork. But good footwork attributes to power. In the quest to obtain more power, golfers often lift their front heels throughout their backswings. But that is fine so long as their heels come down at the exact right spot.
If not, you will lose power and momentum.
Sadly, most golfers - especially beginners - do not always make that happen. Many slide from the target or lunge towards the target. Either of these actions ruin an excellent body turn for the downswing, clubhead speed and power.
To learn good footwork, practice this drill:
Stick a tee within the ground just outside your front heel. Now set up while using driver. When you start your downswing, nudge the tee forward together with your heel centering your weight before deciding to rotate towards the finishing line.
This drill teaches good footwork. Good footwork subsequently brings about better body sequencing.
These three golf tips will get you beginning your swing on plane while remaining behind the ball and executing your heel for proper sequencing.
That subsequently unleashes your power within your golf swing. Instead of creating a weak, arms-only swipe on the ball, you generate a power-laden swing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7843625

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Don't Over Analyze Your Golf Swing

A fast accurate golf swing relies heavily on correct bio-mechanics and positioning of the golf club and your body, as much as it is important to understand the fundamentals and mechanics of the swing, over analyzing it can really just work against you.
A good golf swing will eventually become all about tempo and rhythm and not bio-mechanics and strength, if you feel you have to force any part of your swing then you probably need to make adjustments somewhere, because extra force does not necessarily translate to better results.
A good golf swing should produce a good result and feel almost effortless.

Relax for Results
Constantly thinking about each part of your swing each time you go to hit the ball, causes tension in one or more area in the over all chain reaction that you set in motion to hit a ball, from the winding up of the coil (setting the backswing), to the uncoiling of the spring (the strike and follow through), this needs to be smooth and flow rather than stiff and rigid, learning how to relax in this process is the key to a more effortless swing.
The Perfect Set Up.
There are only 3 times you should have to think to yourself through a golf shot. The first one is the set-up and this is what dictates the rest of the motion.
Start with your grip, make sure it feels around a 2 out of 10 for strength, your arms should literally hang from your shoulders with little to no tension what so ever, and your shoulders should be loose and relaxed.
Having a relaxed start lets the rest of your body dictate the speed of the swing and not the arms, this should slow your swing down but open the possibilities to getting more power into your swing, which eventually also gives you speed, not the other way around.
A petite female golfer who uses their body to produce power and speed in the swing, will be able to drive longer and more accurately than a solid male that tries to use the strength in their arms and not the whole body to hit the ball.
Secret to a Good Swing
Spending time on the driving range concentrating on learning to relax with your shots rather than hitting as far as you can is one secret to a better technique, once you learn to relax you will most likely notice longer shots coming more effortlessly, and then you can start to adjust the level of the hit with your body and not the strength in your arms to make your drives even further and more accurate on a consistent basis.
The golf swing does have have many parts to it that you need to work on to get an effortless accurate strike every time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8048836

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

More Information on Understanding the Golf Swing Plane

Many new or passive golfers are happy to just go out and swing the golf club when they play a round of golf. It can certainly be enjoyable, but there is hardly any player who can play consistently good golf without having an understanding of the basics of the golf swing. And if a golfer gets into those basics the concept of golf swing plane will certainly come up.
The swing plane is going to affect the trajectory and the direction of the ball. It involves the path and angle of the golf club during the back swing and the downswing. The swing plane is the tilt of the incline of the club shaft as it travels throughout the swing. It could range from being totally upright like a Ferris Wheel, or completely flat like a baseball swing. The golf swing obviously is somewhere in between these two.

The golfer's golf swing plane will be dependent on the length of club the golfer is using in addition to his height and posture. The swing plane for that particular swing will be determined at set-up. If you are using a wedge, because of its shorter shaft you will be standing much closer to the ball as compared to the longer-shafted driver. Therefore with the wedge the angle of the shaft will be much more pronounced to the ground. The idea is to keep the shaft of the club on the same angle throughout the entire swing as it is at set-up.
The same golfer using a driver will have a flatter swing plane. This obviously is because the greater length of the driver requires us to stand farther from the ball, therefore creating a less severe club angle to the ground. When we swing the driver to stay on the same plane throughout the swing that we had at set-up will require a flatter swing.
So what are the advantages of a flatter swing plane or a more upright swing? All other things being equal, a flatter swing should allow the entire swing to stay connected; therefore timing the swing should be easier. The lower trajectory that the flatter swing should give the golf ball will make it easier to draw the ball. The more upright swing, similar to the pendulum putting stroke, will keep the club face on line better, allowing for a straighter ball and more consistency for the shot for some golfers.
As with almost anything in golf, what works for some might not be the answer for others. Shorter golfers like Ben Hogan and Gary Player have preferred the flat swing plane. Jack Nicklaus perhaps was the most famous golfer who advocated the upright plane, and in his prime was almost 6' tall. For the most part if you are a taller golfer and stand erect to the ball, the more upright swing plane will probably feel more comfortable to you.
Maintaining a swing tempo is a way to keep the swing simpler. We think it is always important to simplify, even in the golfshortgames.com/. Sean O'Kelly is a writer and avid golfer living in Chicago, devoted to assisting the golfer become better in his craft, to enjoy the game to its fullest.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7920164

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Tips - The Importance of Shoulder and Foot Alignment

In my earlier article I talked about foot alignment and being square to the target. I mentioned the 3 basic stances, but focused on the square stance. In this article I will discuss the open and closed stance in detail, explaining when and how to use them. Also, we must not forget how important our shoulder alignment and the role they play in a golf swing.
The shoulders play the same role as our feet in aligning the ball to the target. If alignment between our feet and shoulders are different, we will never be able to get the ball to the target. Being square to the target (parallel to target line) allows us to aim straight at the target.

The target line is like the scope of a rifle. An imaginary line you draw through the ball towards the target is the target line (ball flight). Think off a rifle, if the barrel is point at the target, but the cross hairs are miss-aligned to the barrel, you'll never hit the target. They both have to point at the target to get the bullet to go straight. It's the same cause and effect between your feet and shoulders.
The square stance is the alignment we use 99.9% of the time. This is the only alignment that will allow you to hit a straight shot. However, there is a time when we need to adjust our stance for the lay of the land or a desired shot shape. These are the open and closed stances.
For the average golfer an open or closed stance is helpful when the ball is above or below your feet.
An open stance is when you take your left foot (right-handed golfer), from parallel and bring it back 1-2 inches. When the ball is above your feet (on a up-slope lie) the shot shape is a natural draw/hook shot shape. To control the flight of your ball and allow a straighter shot, take an open stance, to compensate for the lie. This gives you more control and the ability to aim at the target without guessing on how much of a draw/hook the lie will give you.
A closed stance is just the opposite. It is when you bring back your right foot from parallel and the ball is below your feet. A downhill lie will cause the ball to fade/slice to the right, this will again compensate for the lie.
It gets a little confusing to the average golfer, to meet these compensating stances, because it goes against the basics. When you first take your stance take a square stance to target. Then dropping your foot (only), while keeping your shoulders square to the target is how it works.
To further compensate we aim a little left or right of the target, depending on the lie. But we still aim and how do we aim, by being square to the target.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7745981

วันอังคารที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Tips - How to Hit Out of a Sand Trap

Hitting out of the sand trap takes a lot of practice to master and there is a proper way to do this. There is something you might have heard of called the five dollar drill. If not I will explain in this article. I will also discuss how stances, posture and weight distribution is different. Also how the hands may play a different role, as well.
When we learn about swinging a golf club, we get taught about balance and proper posture. When playing a sand shot these basics early teachings change. In balance means to have our weight evenly distributed between both feet and when we swing the club, we load our weight on our back foot (hip) to generate our power.

When we play a sand shot this fundamentally changes and we stack are weight on the front foot. By this I mean we lean forward shifting our whole body and weight ahead of the ball. This will allow us to really come down on the ball to grab the sand and make a good shot. It is the sand that will force the ball out of the trap, not the club face. The less sand we take the more distance the ball will travel, in turn, the more sand we take, the shorter the distance is. But you need to understand it is the sand not the club face that does the job.
For fairway traps it is a little different, we want to take our normal stance and swing. The trick here is to choke up on the club and take as little sand as possible. Pick the ball clean is the saying in golf.
Around the green is where we want the sand to make our shot and this is where we think of the five dollar bill drill. Take a five dollar bill or a piece of paper cut to similar length and place it in the sand. The size of the bill is the size of the impression we leave in the trap after we swing.
Now, how much sand we take to go the different distances required around the green is a trial and error drill. Go to a practice facility with a sand trap and just experiment. This is one shot in golf (like putting) you need to get a feel for through practice. The basic set-up is all one can give you and some guide lines. Just remember to take a little wider stance and set your feet. Then shift your knees forward getting your weight up front, make sure your hands are ahead of the ball as well.
This is the tricky part, don't quit on your swing. Take a full swing, commit to it and learn to trust the sand to do its job. I'm sure we all have had rocket balls out of the sand,that is why we must practice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7788626

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Perfect Golf Swing - the Simple Golf Swing Review

Does dropping your handicap by AT LEAST 7 strokes in a week sound impossible? This downloadable e-book, The Simple Golf Swing by David Nevogt, guarantees to do so. I thought this might me a load of crap at first, but I was pleasantly surprised.
So what makes The Simple Golf Swing so different from other books?
The Simple Golf Swing is about using the spine as an axis to promote consistency and to keep you on the correct swing plane. You'll learn the correct hand action so that you can add distance to every shot. You'll learn the correct timing to get straight ball flight, and consistent direction. You get a step-by-step guide on the full swing, a step-by-step guide on the short game, a mental guide, and personal coaching to make all of this happen quickly and easily.

Some of the things that you will learn:
  • Unique setup
  • Grip
  • Timing Drill
  • Alignment Drill
  • Backswing (2 unique steps)
  • Downswing (1 unique step)
  • Follow through (1 unique step)
You will be able to learn and embrace each of these steps quickly. They are each crucial to lowering your handicap and making solid impact with the ball. The Simple Golf Swing will teach you a controlled swing. The advantage of a controlled swing is that you will be able to increase or decrease your swing speed, according to the current situation, and yardage variances.Whether you are hitting a driver or a nine iron, you can put the exact same swing on the ball and know that you are going to make solid contact with the ball. Consistency is the goal with The Simple Golf Swing, and that's why you will benefit from it.
The Simple Golf Swing is also different because it was built for the Bogey + golfer. It's developed for the majority of golfers; the golfers who want to break 80, 85, or 90. It brakes down the golf swing, and builds it from the bottom up so that the average golfer now has a solid reference point for every component of the golf swing.
What you really gain from The Simple Golf Swing:
  • You will find a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that will teach you the correct way to grip the club. Instructions for the interlocking and the overlapping grip are included. This will let you experiment to see what works best for YOU.
  • Learn a method to check that you grip the club in the same manner for every shot to promote consistency.
  • Learn a detailed procedure that will ensure that your grip promotes straight ball flight, and not a hook or a slice.
  • Learn a secret on how to align the club face so that you don't push the ball right.
  • Discover an easy method to hit more greens.
  • Learn the revolutionary setup. "The Simple Golf Swing" setup allows you to swing around your spine. The key is to limit the amount of horizontal and vertical body movement during the swing. This setup will automatically give you the correct swing plane that promotes consistency and power. It's given to you in a step-by-step procedure that is easy to remember on the course.
  • Discover the easiest way to make perfect impact with the ball on every shot.
  • You may have heard of the one-piece takeaway. Learn the method that will help you master this move, and keep your swing connected. This is the most beneficial part of the system. It provides consistency, and gives you a controlled swing that results in increased distance.
  • Learn how to get to the top of your backswing, and how to get into the same position for every shot. "The Simple Golf Swing" teaches you a method that promotes an inside-out swing that you can use to automatically hit the fairway.
  • Learn where to stop your backswing. A short backswing promotes consistency, and increased distance.
  • Discover the distance secret that many instructors don't even address because it's so hard to teach. Here's a hint: Hand Action that can increase your swing speed by 10 mph.

The Simple Golf Swing really impressed me so much that I purchased their new apprentice program which works wonders on your golf game. Start off with the book first to see if it works for you. It's risk free with the guarantee. You also get a free sample chapter of The Simple Golf Swing that the site gives you which is very informative. After reading and applying the techniques in the book consider checking out their apprentice program. You won't be sorry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1247409

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Tips - Cock Your Head to the Right Before You Swing

Having trouble in your game, find yourself topping the ball and you don't know why. Tried to fix your swing, changed your ball placement, changed your stance and still topping the ball. Well it might be something very small, but not widely thought of and easy to overlook. I will explain in this article.
A good balanced golf swing is one that flows, with a good rhythm and all the working parts are in sync with each other. As we know a good swing plane is a good result and if the plane changes so does the shot result. Ever think that your chin would be the culprit to a bad shot. Well it generally is, if you find that you can't keep your head down. As we all know lifting your head has some interesting shot results, mostly thin or topped shots.

Why does this happen? It happens because when you lift your head your body goes with it and you don't stay down through the shot. Believe it or not, your head does get in the way (more specifically your chin) if you don't set-up right at address.
Cocking your head slightly to the right clears the way for your left shoulder to pass under your chin as you coil-up on your back swing. We are so conditioned to keep our head down and still, we never talk about the consequences.
If your chin is down or pointing straight ahead, it will be in the way of your left shoulder. This will then force your head upwards when you make your back swing. When your head lifts up your whole body lifts up or straightens when you make your back swing.
This straightening (bobbing) action will affect your swing path enough that your shot results will be a miss hit ball. Generally you will hit a thin shot or top the ball.
With your head cocked slightly to the right our focus changes and instead of having our eyes on the top of the ball, we now focus on the back of the ball. A little trick I use to keep my eyes focused properly is to turn the ball so the markings face the back half, giving me a fixed point at which to look.
Cocking your head to the right also reduces the angle of parallax, making it easier to sight the ball and allows you to stay down through your swing, eliminating the topped (thin) shot.
If you are topping the ball more times than you should and you know it is not your swing or you know you lift your head, try cocking your head slightly to the right.
This one simple thing will amaze you and change your game.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7788945

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Improving The Basic Golf Swing

No matter how skillful or experienced someone may be at golf, there is always room for improvement in their swing. Even Tiger Woods has a coach which helps him improve his swing! However, if you are just beginning to golf, then there are some basic fundamentals to the game which should really be looked into.
These basic fundamentals to a golf swing really are the 'base' of your swing, and getting them right will lead to great things. No matter how experienced a player may be, there is always faults in this basic swing structure. Here you can find some information about these points:

Grip - There is a very large range of grips which are used by golfers, and some range from a straight holding of the club, to a more advanced, and complete interlock of the fingers. The grip is probably the most important part of the overall golf swing, because after all, it's your grip which actually contacts the golf swing itself! With a bad grip, it can really have disastrous effects on the full golf swing itself.
Feet and Shoulders Positioning - The main point in this is that, your feet and shoulders should be aligned exactly in the same direction with each other. Most of the time a hook, draw, or slice on a shot is a result of the feet and shoulders being aimed in different directions. Although you may still feel a good strike with bad positioned feet and shoulders, you will almost certainly experience a bent shot.
Eyes on the Ball - Another common mistake made by golfers which results in a poor shot is because their eyes and head do not keep focused on the ball which swinging the club. The is a very common mistake, and many people look to see the golf club during their swing. Keep your eye on the ball in the whole swing to ensure great connection, and a nice strike of the ball.
Bent Knees - You must bend your knees slightly while conducting your golf swing. This ensures better stability, and power to the ball. However, don't take it too far, as some people see 'bend your knees' and take it to the extreme. Look at a professional golfer, and look at their knees to see how much you should actually be bending them - only slightly!
There are many more points to the standard golf swing, however getting the above points correct, really will work wonders in your game. Although these are basic, they are the real, and most important structure points to a golf swing. Learning these golf swing basics is a must to anyone who is keen on improving their golf game!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6548898

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

A Perfect Golf Release: Hands Dictate The Outcome

When you watch golf, there may be many different looking swings, but I can tell you the hands release the same in nearly every golf swing. There are many ways you can screw this up, but when you get it right, what your golf ball will do off your clubface is pure magic.
There are many common faults golfers perform that result in mishits, lack of distance, and consistency.
Early Release Golf Swing
This is probably the most common one among golfers who can't break 90. It's a premature letting go of the angle (lag) in your right wrist early in the downswing. Doing this will cause everything from thinning your ball, to chunking it, to hitting way off the toe.

All of these will destroy accuracy and rob you of a ton of yards. Golfers can't figure it out why they have difficulty hitting straight shots, and this could be one of the reasons why.
Late Release
This is a good players problem. Where they retain the angle in the wrists too long, and then have to flip/roll it through impact to compensate for the late, wide open clubface at impact.
I tell most of the golfers I work with this is not something they need to worry about, but it may be something to actually do to train your body the other extreme of releasing too early.
Perfect Release
This happens once in a great while for high handicap golfers, and a bit more often per round for the better golfers. For the 90's golfer, it will almost feel like you're coming in with your hands way deep (past the ball at impact). But as you turn them over, and drive your right shoulder through the shot, you'll watch that ball explode off your clubface.
The right wrist stays bent longer, and then through impact turns over, and the left hand turns down. This squares the face, and compresses the golf ball. This is the perfect hit onto the ball. It will even have a different sound.
Watch It On Video
One of the best ways to get a visual understand of this is to watch it on video. If you watch professional golf on the television, at least once per round, they'll do a slow motion of the hands, and it's eye opening. When you see this you'll start to comprehend what you need to do to have a near perfect release in your golf swing.
+Mike Pedersen is a golf swing biomechanic expert, helping golfers eliminate swing faults via understand how the body and joints move through the golf swing. If you want to hit better shots, watch the golf swing release video to start pounding that golf ball.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7055025

วันอังคารที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Best Golf Swing Improvement Tips

If you're like most golfers, you want to improve, not just hack around the golf course. Golf is a difficult game to master and most golfers don't have the time it takes to practice, practice, and practice to significantly improve. Most golfers don't know that eighty percent of the world's golfers have a handicap of 18 or more.
Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Approach the game with a positive attitude and repeat affirmations if you can, such as "I play great golf all the time." Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.
It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back. One of the problems that most inexperienced golfers share is they think too much about their swing.
Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. At the end of a backswing the hands are above the right shoulder, with the golf club pointing more or less in the intended direction of ball flight.
Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid. Use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing. Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball. Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing.
Don't underestimate the value of fitness when it comes to your golf swing and your overall golf game. Once you understand that you can change your swing by using a simple technique, you'll never underestimate golf fitness again. It's no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts.
Golf aids are often for sale at your pro shop or local golf shop. Golf swing aids will improve your golf game. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.
Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you.
Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game. There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment. Look for golf swing aids at your local golf course. There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.
Now is the time to fix that golf swing forever. Practice, practice, practice! Pick out something every week to concentrate on and help you improve your golf swing and golf game.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/490796
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