Having trouble in your game, find yourself topping the ball and you don't know why. Tried to fix your swing, changed your ball placement, changed your stance and still topping the ball. Well it might be something very small, but not widely thought of and easy to overlook. I will explain in this article.
A good balanced golf swing is one that flows, with a good rhythm and all the working parts are in sync with each other. As we know a good swing plane is a good result and if the plane changes so does the shot result. Ever think that your chin would be the culprit to a bad shot. Well it generally is, if you find that you can't keep your head down. As we all know lifting your head has some interesting shot results, mostly thin or topped shots.
Why does this happen? It happens because when you lift your head your body goes with it and you don't stay down through the shot. Believe it or not, your head does get in the way (more specifically your chin) if you don't set-up right at address.
Cocking your head slightly to the right clears the way for your left shoulder to pass under your chin as you coil-up on your back swing. We are so conditioned to keep our head down and still, we never talk about the consequences.
If your chin is down or pointing straight ahead, it will be in the way of your left shoulder. This will then force your head upwards when you make your back swing. When your head lifts up your whole body lifts up or straightens when you make your back swing.
This straightening (bobbing) action will affect your swing path enough that your shot results will be a miss hit ball. Generally you will hit a thin shot or top the ball.
With your head cocked slightly to the right our focus changes and instead of having our eyes on the top of the ball, we now focus on the back of the ball. A little trick I use to keep my eyes focused properly is to turn the ball so the markings face the back half, giving me a fixed point at which to look.
Cocking your head to the right also reduces the angle of parallax, making it easier to sight the ball and allows you to stay down through your swing, eliminating the topped (thin) shot.
If you are topping the ball more times than you should and you know it is not your swing or you know you lift your head, try cocking your head slightly to the right.
This one simple thing will amaze you and change your game.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7788945