วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Set A Good Tempo For A Perfect Golf Swing

Tempo must be the overanalyzed aspect of a golf swing. Why? It is because the concept of tempo is not constant. In reality, there is not one perfect tempo to follow. As you can observe, all the greatest golf players in the world have different tempos, but they are equally successful.
But to effectively set a good tempo for a perfect golf swing, here are tips that you can follow:

1. Practice with your clubs. The best clubs to use when improving tempo are the 7, 8, and 9 clubs. But you can move through your bag and do the same swing with all your irons and clubs. Do it repeatedly until after you have the ability to embrace a constant swing tempo.
2. Be wary of the proper timing. Tempo is nothing but a combination of sound mechanics and the right timing. It is produced with both the arms and the body functioning together to generate the greatest club head speed.
3. Tempo is a mind game. Your tempo should be highly rhythmic. Before you start a game of golf, condition your mind. As your game progresses, always put your tempo on check. More often than not, it is your disposition that influences your tempo or the speed of your club. And to excel in golf, it is a must that you maintain a consistency throughout the game.
4. Coordinate your movement. Good hand and body coordination is the key. To achieve this, allow your shoulders and your arms to execute the swing in a harmonized movement. Then transfer your weight from the rear foot to the forward foot. Do this regularly and you'll get both tempo and balance at the same time.
5. Position the ball properly. Put the ball just within the left heel. Your head, hands, and weight should all be behind the ball. Proper ball positioning will ensure that you'll have solid contact all the time.
With all of these said, you should now be ready to establish your very own tempo. You'll see that this can be the very aspect tempo to hold both your swing and your game together.

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Set-A-Good-Tempo-For-A-Perfect-Golf-Swing/293837/
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