วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

How Do I Fix My Golf Swing? Top 3 Tips

I know a ton of people that have always wanted to fix their golf swings... And I've heard it all... I've seen a lot of problems, too, and I know most of the common ones... Which I'm sure you're probably making...
Top 3 Tips to Fixing your Golf Swing

  1. Be smooth.  Think about Tiger Woods, or any of the other best golf players... They're smooth!  It's like they're on ice... Just gliding... The way their club is taken back, swung through the ball, and their follow through is just wonderful.  You need to try and replicate this as much as possible.  A lot of people are very jerky with their strokes and have problems following through.  This can cause issues for you that you're not even aware of.  Just swing completely through the ball and wrap around fully.  Imagine you're hitting multiple balls in front of the one you're actually hitting, to get an idea of what I mean.  Just swing through!
  2. Be patient.  You can't force golf.  I mean, golf is really the end-all and be-all of patience in any kind of sports.  Have patience.  Take a few practice swings... No rushing!  If you're rushing it's going to come out horribly.  Take your time.  Have the patience.  Practice.. One... Two... Three... Swing!  Nice and easy.
  3. Visualize the win.   Your mind is such a great tool.. You just have to use it.  You know... You usually don't get what you want... But you get what you expect!  So use this information... And visualize the win!  Expect to hit a great driver... Expect to have a solid swing... Really think about it... Feel it... And then do it!  Have confidence in your strokes!  It's one of the keys of success that the pros have...
Keep in mind that most people who set out to fix their golf swing never actually do that well afterwards without some sort of outside help... Like a coach.  But you don't want to pay thousand of dollars for a coach... So here's a great alternative if you want to fix your golf swing as soon as possible
I really recommend the Medicus Trainer [http://FixYourSwing.info] because it's the best swing trainer that's on the market today. Used by over a million people you can use it whenever you want.. Discreetly.. And fix your swing the way the pros do it! Save thousands of bucks on DVD's or drills or training... By just using this alone!
Check it out: [http://FixYourSwing.info]
Give it a look and make sure you get that swing fixed... Cause most people NEVER fix their swing when they set out to do it on their own... Happy golfing!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2472642
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