วันเสาร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Swing Tips - Over The Top Golf Swing

If you are new to golf and finding it difficult to hit consistent shots, then you might be suffering from an over the top golf swing. This is common amongst newcomers to golf, and what frustrates them most is that when they hit a good shot, they are unable to repeat it consistently.
Many believe that hitting the ball harder is the cure to hitting it farther, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's about timing, golf is a precision sport that requires good co-ordination, getting the club and body in the right position at the correct time.
Swinging the club too hard can cause other errors to creep into your swing, one of those being an out to in swing path causing a slice which can be very destructive to any golfers enjoyment of this wonderful game. The swing path should be from the inside on the downswing and back to inside on the follow through.

If you are having a poor day on the course this can lead to increased tension every time you stand over the ball. So, make sure that you don't strangle the club, keep the hands and wrists loose and mobile during the golf swing.
Slow and smooth
Slow your swing down, don't go for every shot like a bull in a china shop. The faster you try to swing the less co-ordinated your golf swing will become and an over the top golf swing is likely to occur. I know it is difficult, especially when you are out on the course and things are starting to go badly, it's happened to me in the past.
Try to keep just one swing thought in your mind, rotating the body, driving the hips, which ever one works for you. We are all different and each persons interpretation is also different.
A slower swing will lead to a smoother and more controllable swing resulting in all the components of the swing being able to be completed before striking the golf ball. The superior timing of your shots will give you better control and accuracy, the result... lower scores and less frustration.
Let your body do the talking
A lot of swing issues result from golfers using their arms independently from the body, where in fact they should be operating together as one action creates a reaction to the next part of the swing. Lead the downswing with the lower body - think about throwing a cricket ball (or baseball) and how the body reacts to that movement. It starts from the ground up.
The arms should react to your bodies movement on the down swing so that they follow the body, and not the body following the arms which can be the culprit for an over the top golf swing. For right-handers the left arm should stay close to the body throughout the swing.
Strong core muscles
Having strong core muscles will help especially during the downswing where the lower body is leading the upper body momentarily. Weak core muscles will inevitably lead to being unable to fulfill the essential elements if the golf swing effectively.
Rotational flexibility
A lack of rotational flexibility is a cause of an over the top golf swing where the lack of flexibility is causing the golfer to swing the golf club to the top of the backswing with the arms only. It goes pretty much hand in hand with having strong core muscles in not letting the upper body get ahead of the lower body in the downswing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7381180
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