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How to Improve My Golf Swing - Top Secret Tips!

I have been playing golf for many years and really love the game;however, I had to learn how to improve my golf swing. The reason being was that I was becoming frustrated with my handicap and was almost thinking about giving the game up. I am so glad now, that I took the time and learnt how to improve my golf swing. This is something that you can do too. Before you do, read my story first!
I can still remember when I first started out playing golf. I went out and purchased a set of clubs, shoes and bag and various small items. I was eager to start playing right away.I went to the driving range religiously in an attempt to learn how to swing my golf club. I had not even thought about ways on how to improve my golf swing at that time!

Once I felt pretty comfortable at the driving range, I started playing a few rounds of golf with friends. Even though I wasn't playing that well, I was enjoying myself. I decided to take a few lessons. As well as learning how to improve my golf swing, I figured I would get some useful tips to improve my overall performance. I always did well at the lessons and actually, I apparently did not require that much advice. I was told my technique would improve the more I played.
The lessons helped somewhat, but my golf score wasn't improving that much. So feeling frustrated, I stopped the lessons. I wasn't really getting that much help anyway. I continued to play and of course hit my share of sliced balls. This kept up for a few years, I kept playing because I enjoyed the game so much.
A little later I ran into a friend that I hadn't seen in years. Turned out he was a golf pro now! Of course I started to pick his brains to see how I could improve my handicap.
We went out to the local driving range, and he watched while I hit a few balls. Immediately he saw the reason why I wasn't improving. Apparently my golf swing was incorrect.
Over the next few days we practiced on how to improve my golf swing. Slowing down my swing was key, for me anyway. With a few tweaks here and there I am happy to say that I have improved my golf swing considerably.
My handicap is much better than it was, plus my old joy for the game has returned tenfold. If you are looking for ways on how to improve your golf swing then here is my advice. Make sure you learn from experienced players. Obviously my first lessons weren't conducted by an experienced enough player. He should have noticed by golf swing was off.
So the moral to my story is, before you sign up for any lessons, check out who the instructor is first. Find someone who knows how to teach others.
Are you still confused? Sometimes the best way to work out how to improve my golf swing [http://improveputting.co.uk/golf-swing/how-to-improve-my-golf-swing/] is by checking out videos and using visual aids. I know it helped me!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4951554
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