วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Swing Techniques - How to Hit a Golf Ball From the Inside to Out

Some people may think that making a good golf swing is easy, they may ask, why do we need to learn the fundamentals, the basics of swinging a 2 pound piece of metal, while all we need to do is to swing our arm far up, then bat it up with strong recoil? A good theory, but I doubt if it could hit the ball or if it does, it won't get the ball far enough.
Consider this as the basic of all basics of golf; every good player has been through this test. Adaptability is very important to every golfer; since every man has his own "body build" he has to undergo his own training, which meets his body's specifications.

There are 2 major things that a golfer has to adapt to, his own body, and nature. Admit it, you don't know your own body that much. The current mass, speed, strength, flexibility and more about it changes every so often; if you don't know what it can do, it's either going to adapt to your command or you adapt to it. Once you've managed facing that, you will notice that your playing improvement is constant because you already know who you are, how you play and what you can do. Nature on the other hand is the uncontrollable, always changing factor; undeniably, this is something adapting about. Use the Nature factor to your advantage.
The Swing Arm
Check your swing arm, one common issue with new golfers is that they bend their swing arms too awkwardly; especially right handed players. Originally, in golf there was no need for you to bend your swing arm unless necessary or that's the way your body adapted to making a full blown "successful" swing.
The secret: relax your swing arm and make it stable, not hard; twist your torso away from the flag, making the swing arm go with it. Your swing arm should not be the one controlling this action nor the later actions during the iron shot, it should be a supportive vestment.
Is There a Proper Way of Swinging a Golf Club?
You might have been taught by your instructor to do a certain posture to maintain balance during a swing. If you have tried watching videos online or met another instructor, you might be confused, who amongst them is saying the right thing? The deal is, all of them. That's why I wanted you to consider adaptability as the basic of the basics of golf swinging. Your Instructor also plays golf, shame, if he's teaching you if he does not play; now, what he is teaching you, is the way he mastered his swing, his own methods and his own adapted skill. Not everyone has the same adaptability, that's why you just have to know what body parts to swing and practice.
Watch Yourself
That sounds like watching yourself in the mirror. Yes, it actually does, the best way to practice your swings is to know how you do it. Find a way to get to a wall size mirror and perform your golf swings. You can also try using at least the cheapest camera to capture your motion; in that way, that you would know how your swing looks like on a different perspective. This way, you may be able to know what you are doing wrong.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7442369
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