วันอังคารที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Golf Grip

A good golf grip is for sure one of the most important fundamentals of golf.
Since the hands have direct contact with the club it always amazes me the little attention most golfers give to it. I know a lot of my fellow golfers
just grab a club and move forward just because it is comfortable.
The problem with this is that in most cases their grip is not correct resulting in many problems in hitting the ball correctly. Even though they may be satisfied with their grip and game it is always a good policy to evaluate all the fundamentals involved and make necessary changes as warranted.

Correcting the grip can result in a much improved game. But, changing your grip is not necessarily an easy thing to do and it will take much practice and dedication to be successful.
In Ben Hogan's book he commented that "If it doesn't feel like your grip changed it probably hasn't.".When you first make a change it will naturally be a little uncomfortable until you practice with it for a few days. Continue with your waggle and a few practice swings and see how it feels. The more you practice, the new grip will become more comfortable. Spending the time in becoming familiar and comfortable will eventually pay off.
A good proper grip will help set up the club face during your swing and reduce the need to make adjustments.
There have been three accepted grips.
1. The baseball grip which I use and is good for young golfer or with arthritic problems.
2. The overlapping grip.
3. The interlocking grip.
Ok! here we go.
The following describes the "overlapping grip".
  1. If you are right handed hold the end of the club with the left hand steady and bring the club handle across your palm from the index finger through the middle of the palm. Now close your fingers with the thumb sitting a little to the right of center on the handle.
  2. The palm of your right hand should mirror the position of the clubface, in other words it should face the target. Start by holding our right hand flat against the club's grip. Then fed the club into your hand, alone the base of your middle two fingers.
  3. Close the fingers of your right hand around the grip. Your forefinger should adopt a "trigger position." Since this an overlapping grip the little finger of your right hand overlaps the left forefinger. Your right thumb should run diagonally down the side of the club's grip. You should be able to see two of the knuckles of your right hand.
For more information and explicit instructions on the golf grip and the fundamentals of golf I would suggest Ben Hogan's book " Five Lessons:" The Modern Fundamentals of Golf.
T.L. Stewart is an author and publisher articles and eBooks on golf and other interesting subjects. You can visit his website on golf which includes more golf articles and videos at [http://www.golfclubinsider.com] Ben Hogan's book is available at the site's bookstore.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5417736
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