วันอังคารที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

Importance of Golf Swing Fundamentals Cannot Be Ignored

Golf is a truly a game where an individual's determination, discipline and heart can be measured. While the basics remain the same for all, practice and knowledge are the two key aspects to success in golf. A correct golf swing is a joy to behold.
If you ever find your swing awry then coming back to the fundamentals can help you bounce back to the track in no time. Sound knowledge of the fundamentals of golf can multiply your chances of having that perfect golf swing. Some of the most fundamentals are listed below for immediate improvement.
The Grip: Having a strong grip is one of the most important fundamentals of golf. As such make sure that you are having the correct grip before moving on your swing. The most common types of grips, when holding the golf club are- the interlock, the overlap and baseball grip. As per individuals convenience you can opt for either of the grips when aiming for the perfect swing.

Stance: Positioning of your feet in accordance with the ball at address also contributes greatly in forming a good setup. Swinging in balance is yet another aspect that contributes substantially in having a successful golf swing. Proper golf stance will allow you to stay stable and swing the club in a far better manner.
Alignment: Having the right golf alignment contributes significantly in ensuring you make a good swing. If your body and the club are aligned correctly on the proper swing path, it immensely minimizes the risk of having any swing problems. Always square your golf club and ball in parallel to the target.
Ball Position: The golf ball position varies to a great extent depending upon whether you are hitting the ball with either your driver or the woods. When using the driver, align the ball just off your left heel while with the irons move the ball slightly tilted towards the left foot from the middle of your stance.
Good Posture: Having posture is a vital part of the entire setup, as it is what allows you to make for better golf swings by ensuring good angles and placing you in the most appropriate position during the swing. You need to make sure that not only your knees are bent, but at the same time you are bending from the hips.
Pre-Shot Routine: While you are standing behind the ball, have a brief study of the primary and intermediate target and create an imaginary picture in your mind also the line of flight to avoid any regrets. Step into the swing and practice a couple of swings and don't forget to check the target and the swing every time you make a move. By simply considering these few things in mind, you are sure to feel more comfortable and will be amazed how good you can swing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7563940
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